What Christmas means ....

The last few days haven't been great.

I got struck down with some kind of flu and had been feeling rotten.
Christmas can be a "funny" time for me and not funny, haha. Im grateful for being surrounded by the people I love, but I mourn those I've lost.
My grandad, the most perfect person i knew, died when I was 12 just before Christmas, and 30 years later, it still feels like yesterday.
Grief has a way of staying with us, but moments like watching my nephew splash in the sea can bring a bittersweet kind of healing.
My nephew’s laughter is a reminder of hope and light in the next generation.
It’s a reminder that life, though fragile, is also full of moments to embrace and celebrate.

Christmas can be hard. Let's celebrate that fact


#forthosewehavelost #christmascanbehard #begentlewithyourself #peacetoyouall