The greatest decision I've ever made ❤️
Today, 10 years ago, my life changed for the better.
I lived out my ultimate dream to solo tour India.
I'd been so unhappy in my personal and work life, and I knew a change had to happen.
I honestly didn't give it too much thought, handed in my notice in my good paying corporate job said goodbye to friends and family and headed off to what alot of people thought was an eat pray love journey🤣
In all seriousness, it wasn't about finding myself in a Julia Roberts kinda way it was so much more than that. It was about celebrating that I knew I had to change.
Fast forward 10 years, and a new decade has arrived for me, and I'm proud I can make my living by doing things I absolutely love ❤
I realise that things dont just work because you manifest it or you're working hard. sometimes good things happen because you waited long enough for it!!
*I wrote this 3 yrs so, it cam up on a memory. 3 years on I'm still reaping the benefits of that change. Change is slow you have to peel the layers one by one. Don't be in a hurry to "be the new you" enjoy the process
#findingmyself #makeharddescisions #changeisslow #takeyourtimewithchange